In 2008, Congress directed Amtrak to establish the Next Generation Corridor Equipment Pool Committee (NGEC), to design, develop specifications for, and procure standarized next-generation corrior equipment to help minimize costs and increase efficiencies in the passenger rail industry.
Membership in the Next Generation Equipment Committee (NGEC) is open to representatives of:
- Amtrak,
- the Federal Railroad Administration,
- host railroad companies,
- railroad passenger equipment manufacturers and suppliers,
- non-profit organizations representing employees who perform overhaul and maintenance of passenger equipment,
- State Departments of Transportation, and
- other passenger rail operators.
Individuals representing a qualifying entity who are interested in participating in the NGEC should submit a notice in writing, or via email, with the person’s name, title, organization name and address, telephone and fax numbers and email address, and the name of the Subcommittee or working group the person wishes to join, to:
Steve Hewitt|Program Manager
Next Generation Equipment Committee