The Next Generation Equipment Committee is governed by an Executive Board, with membership open to Amtrak, the Federal Railroad Administration and State Departments of Transportation and the Executive Board has established two standing Subcommittees:

The purpose of the Finance and Administrative Subcommittee is to:

  1. Manage the finances of the Committee
  2. Identify options for the funding of new equipment
  3. Evaluate the options for ownership structures that may be utilized for new equipment
  4. Propose possible structures for transactions between potential owners and/or operators of equipment
  5. Manage the operation of the Committee
  6. Determine protocols for various issues that arise and establish policy for the Committee
  7. Serve as the keeper of the Committee Bylaws
  8. Serve as the policy development arm of the Committee
  9. Serve as the keeper of open records and recommend relevant recordkeeping policies as appropriate, and
  10. Perform other tasks or duties as identified by the Finance and Administrative Subcommittee or that may be assigned by the Executive Board or requested by other Subcommittees,  Working Groups or Task Forces



Rolling Stock & Related Capital Investment Financing

Meeting Minutes

Structure and Finance Task Force (SFTF) (*Sunset in 2013*)



Meeting Minutes

The purpose of the Technical Subcommittee is to:

  1. Develop and/or evaluate alternative passenger rail car and propulsion technologies and designs
  2. Evaluate proposed vehicle subsystems
  3. Establish performance and safety criteria standards
  4. Develop and maintain specifications
  5. Respond to requests made by the Committee or Executive Board to assist in carrying out their duties; and
  6. Any such other tasks and duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board

Technical Working Groups:

  1. Structural Working Groups
  2. Interiors Working Groups
  3. Mechanical Working Groups
  4. Electrical Working Groups
  5. VTI Working Groups
  6. Propulsion Working Groups
  7. Communications on Rail Cars Working Groups




The Technical Subcommittee of the Next Generation Equipment Committee met in Chicago, IL on Thursday July 29, 2010 to vote on the Bi-Level Specifications.  The Agenda, Presentations, Summary of Bi-Level Specification and other documentation are listed below.  The PRIIA Bi-Level Spec (Individual Chapters) are also listed below:

Chicago, IL Meeting, April 22, 2010 :

Meeting Minutes

Locomotive Technology Task Force